Virgula Book Launch at UEA Norwich with Sasja Janssen and Michele Hutchison, 14 February 2024

Please join us at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, for an event celebrating Sasja Janssen’s Virgula, featuring readings from the author and the book’s translator, Michele Hutchison. In Partnership with the British Centre for Literary Translation.

14 February 2024
4.30 — 6pm
In-person at UEA, Norwich

Please register (free) to attend here.

Supported by the Dutch Foundation for Literature (NederlandsLetterenfonds).


In Virgula, Sasja Janssen’s award-winning collection, the comma becomes much more than a punctuation mark; it stops the stillness and allows thoughts and language to move forward. Virgula is invoked as a muse and a companion; she is called on in every poem, as if she were a goddess, friend or lover, someone who offers space when the emptiness becomes too heavy. Virgula received the Awater Poetry Prize and was nominated for the Ida Gerhardt Poetry Prize and the Herman de Coninck Prize and De Grote Poëzieprijs (Grand Poetry Prize) for best poetry collection 2021.